
Helmet Heroes is a free to play MMORPG that can be played across all browsers. Team up with your friends, fight monsters, and gather new swords and equipment. Join the official Discord to make talk with fellow players, report bugs, or give your suggestions to improve the game.

About HH Reborn Development

Helmet Heroes Reborn is a remastered and improved version of the original Helmet Heroes. It is the newest and ideal version of the Helmet Heroes experience. It is still being heavily developed and is receiving weekly to bi-weekly updates. Currently, it does not have all of the content from the original Helmet Heroes included yet, but it is all slowly being added. Reborn looks to improve on all of the aspects of the original including graphics, gameplay, and the overall player experience.

I am having loading errors, help!

Browsers like to store previously saved game assets to its cache. This helps on cutting down future load times. However, sometimes this presents problems when updates are released as your browser can attempt to load older data, thus creating loading problems.

If you are infinite loading errors or pop up browser errors, be sure your browsers cache is up to date. You can do this by any of the following steps.

  • Hold the SHIFT key and press F5 on the keyboard. This should force the browser to reload the cache for the webpage.
  • If that doesn't work, try holding CONTROL, SHIFT, and DELETE at the same time to access your cache settings. There, try clearing the cache.
  • If both of those fail, try playing in an "incognito" or "private" window. This insures no cached data is used, and will load the game from a blank slate.


0.6.85 March 21, 2025

  • Fixed small bug where mage attacks were making visual contact (but no damage) with pets outside of PvP.
  • Fixed bug with colored helmets not showing up in the UI.
  • Fixed bug where if your pet primarily killed an enemy and the enemy dropped an item, you would not have first dibs on picking up the item.
  • Fixed server crashing bug that could occur from certain coloring of equipped items.
  • Revamped pet movement and pet attacking! Pets now attack differently depending on their class type. Following their owner movement should be improved and pet attacking should be more effective now.
  • Buffed dark beholder damage slightly.
  • Going in water no longer completely extinguishes fires. Instead if cuts the damage in half.

0.6.81 March 17, 2025

  • Fixed several bugs related to being able to use skills from other weapon classes.
  • Fixed bug where colored accessory would not retain their functionality.
  • Fixed bug from Friday's coloring update where the enchantment menu and pet item menu was not working correctly.
  • Fixed bug with pets not being able to equip colored items.
  • Fixed an issue related to enemy position syncing.

0.6.8 March 14, 2025

  • Fixed small bug that could happen if you tried to shoot an arrow in the air then immediately equipped a non-archer weapon before the arrow was created.
  • Electric damage no longer chains from every single enemy in the chain, only from the initial enemy hit. Buffed chain damage slightly though to account for this.
  • Fixed bug from last patch where new yellow hairy monster variant was not showing up.
  • Fixed bug from two updates ago where wizard jump laser attack would not damage enemies if the enemy was overlapping the entire laser.
  • Fixed bug where wizard jump laser attack would not work properly when transitioning from the falling animation to the laser attack animation.
  • Fixed bug where other players' walking stances were not correctly showing up.
  • Item color changing added! You can now change the color of your equippable items.

0.6.75 March 6, 2025

  • Fixed bug with menu that would occur after opening and closing the "account settings" menu, from last update.
  • Players can no longer equip/unequip pet items while trading.
  • You can now still use your 2nd jump (if you have double jump) after wall jumping.
  • Fixed bug from last update where bouncing mushroom enemies were not jumping.
  • Fixed bug where "overheating" skill was not properly working with the secondary equipped gun while shooting in the air.
  • Fixed bug where weapon and secondary weapon would not get unequipped from a player that was killed while botting.
  • Added the rear visual tentacles to the dark beholder. Added a slight levitating animation. And increased their HP by 100.
  • Fixed bug with pvp player to pet element damage not working.
  • Added more spawn location for Goo Cubes to area #21 and #22.
  • 2 new Goo Cube helmet variants.
  • Fixed bug from a previous update where darkened area effect was not being applied. (The darkening of the screen that happens when going in certain areas and spots.)
  • Added more spawn location for brick monsters.
  • 1 new Brick Monster helmet variant.
  • Changed how electric damage is calculated and chained.
  • Made some performance changes to make electrical chaining damage lag less.
  • Buffed "Air Attack Booster" skill slightly.
  • 1 helmet variant added for Puff Monsters.
  • Nerfed wizard Dual Wield Magic Jump Attack skill level to a max of 3 instead of 4.
  • Increased coin magnet pull a little.
  • Prevented unsupported characters from being entered into the main chat, which could cause a giant white box to be displayed next to a player when chatted.
  • When multiple players kill an enemy, multiple coins are now dropped, 1 for each player. The amount that each coin is worth is relative to the damage that each player did. This is so multiple players killing a single enemy can share the money.

0.6.7 February 28, 2025

  • If you manage to fall outside of all map areas and out of bounds, you will no longer default to area #1 upon logging in Instead, you will instead respawn at the closest area you were near.
  • Fixed bug where camera would zoom in after dying and would remain there. (May need further testing to verify.)
  • Fixed bug with being unable to fish in area #32.
  • Fixed bug with "apollo shoes" item being for cowboys instead of archers.
  • Fixed bug with sombrero helmet variant fishruns causing the fishurn's head to be invisible.
  • 1 accessory.
  • Chat message tabs are now about 8% bigger.
  • Right trigger button on controllers can now be used for special skills requiring the V key.
  • 3 NPCs.
  • Added 2 drops to puff monsters.
  • Improved wall jumping.
  • Fixed visual bug where the newly added chat tabs would no go away when hiding the main chat.
  • Fixed small bug where if a pet healed a player and the player died or was removed while the small heart healing effect was on screen, the small heart would get stuck in place.
  • 1 fish type.
  • Fixed bug where cowboy missile attack was colliding with players and pets outside of PvP areas, causing it to detonate.
  • 1 enemy (2 helmet variants).
  • 1 area.
  • 4 helmets.
  • 4 shirts.
  • 4 pants.
  • 4 boots.
  • 7 weapons.
  • 2 shields.
  • Changed a few spawn points in area #70 to spawn lotus eye instead of plant monsters.
  • Economy data on the website now includes class, element, and wielding types splits, for players. This helps visualize how users are playing the game.
  • Fixed bug where levitating laser would get stuck if you unequipped your staff while casting the skill.
  • Buffed poison damage.
  • Fixed bug where guard arrow was letting you shoot more guard arrows beyond your skill was meant to allow.
  • Increased time a guard arrow remains on screen by 14%, and guard arrow now shoots up to 3 arrows at once instead of 1.
  • Fixed small visual bug on Boopis's walking and attacking animations.
  • Increased pet movemement speed.
  • Change pet final defense formula slightly to buff their final defense, making them a little less prone to damage. Lowered the pet orb defense bonus slightly to compensate.
  • Decreased amount of time a pet must be away from its owner before it instantly teleports back.
  • Added an API for Discord account linking. Also added Discord API for richest coins in ATM and most tickets in Payvault.
  • Fixed bug where ice damage text was not properly showing when player was hit by an ice attack.
  • Fixed bug where ice damage was not being shown on pets properly.
  • Improved electrical chaining, most notably for larger enemies.

0.6.6 February 5, 2025

  • Re-made the private messaging UI so it no longer clutters the screen.
  • Guild chat added.
  • Fixed small visual issue where pet would cover up the name of the pet in the pet menu.
  • 1 shoes (low-mid level).
  • Improved pet double jumping to get to targets.
  • Fixed bug where pets were not properly dropping through platforms in order to get to their target.
  • Normalized all pet attack rate and attack multipliers to simplify things. Increased the rate at which all pets attack.
  • Fixed bug where a pet that was was on fire would not have its fire visually removed.
  • Fixed bug where pets could become invincible and would be active without fully appearing. Could usually happen after pet died and was revived.
  • Fixed bug with summon rays skill not working when dual wielding.
  • Fixed bug with goo cubes not damaging pets.
  • 1 enemey (6 helmet variants).
  • Increased "anti-flinch" skill max level from 5 to 15.
  • Santa Sack accesory now allows you to hold 20 additional item types instead of just 5.
  • Poison damage now tapers off. Meaning it will do the most damage at the start of the poisoning, and will slowly lessen until the poison effect runs out. Now last 5 seconds instead of 6, but causes damage in .45 second intervals instead of .5.
  • Reduced animation speed of "power attack" skill so it executes slightly faster.
  • Nerfed damage done by "orb field" orbs from 70% to 60%.
  • Archer "guard arrow" skill now does 25% damage instead of 10%.
  • Increased archer "jump arrow attack" max level from 3 to 5. Reduced animation speed of the attack by 10% so it executes slightly faster.
  • Decreased cooldown for archer "targeting arrow" skill from 8 second to 5.
  • Archers can now charge their arrows to max power/velocity 15% faster than before.
  • Decreased cooldown for cowboy "shotgun blast" skill from 15 seconds to 10.
  • Increased duration that cowboy "overheating" skill lasts from 2.5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Cowboy bullet damage is no longer relative to distance and will always do the same amount of damage.
  • Increased spawn rate of sasquatch enemies by roughly 10% and added a few more spawn locations.
  • Penguins and sasquatch now do ice damage.
  • Increased spawn rate of goo cubes by roughly 12% and added a few more spawn locations.
  • Increased spawn rate of lotus eye enemies and added a few more spawn locations.
  • Modified stats of glord enemy slightly, and made it's punching and ground smashing attack less powerful.
  • 3 fish types.
  • Fixed bug with fish not spawning in area #19.
  • Fixed wizard description in character creation menu that mentions "MP".
  • 3 areas.

0.6.51 January 9, 2025

  • Several bug fixes from last update.
  • 1 pet.

0.6.5 January 2, 2025

  • ATM added for area #7.
  • Fixed bug where dino scale tail would not show up on your character after logging in.
  • Fixed bug where player would not be able to control their character if the chat input textfield was in focus while the trade menu closed.
  • Reduced attack rate of green bouncer enemy.
  • Lowered damage done by green vines environmental object.
  • New accounts level 5 and below now only lose 10% of their coins when dying.
  • Changed walking speed calculation slightly. Increased walking speed of newly created characters by 12%.
  • Fixed bug where chat was not scrolling to the bottom during the first message to expand the textfield.
  • 2 areas.
  • 1 enemy.
  • 3 new drill bot helmet variations.
  • Fixed small display issue with enemy ice snow effect being positioned incorrectly.
  • Repositioned the santa sack accessory on the player's back slightly.
  • Fixed missing description for cyborg bow.
  • Fixed bug where the goo cube's hand would not go away when latching onto pets.
  • Fixed bug with pets not correctly picking up items.
  • Fixed bug in trade that would prevent more than 32,767 of a single item from being traded at once.
  • 1 new wizard skill.
  • 7 weapons.
  • 5 helmets.
  • 4 shirt armor.
  • 4 leg armor.
  • 7 shoes.
  • 1 shield.
  • Moved guild menu button "members" slightly to the left so it doesn't overlap the "request join" button.
  • MP has been entirely removed and replaced with a skill cooldown system to improve balancing of the game.
  • Nerfed warrior two hander attack damage slightly since it no longer requires MP.
  • Buffed warrior power attack slightly and increased its max level by 2 since it now has cooldown.
  • Buffed warrior dash slice slightly and increased its max level by 2 since it now has cooldown.
  • Buffed warrior rapid slice slightly and changed the values that upgrading it increases. Increased max level by 2.
  • Increased archer multi-arrow skill max level by 1.
  • Reduced archer charged piercer skill damage for each successive enemy by 10%, since it no longer requires MP and has no cooldown.
  • Nerfed mage basic attack damage just slightly, since they no longer require MP.
  • Reduced mage dual wield magic jump attack max level by 1 since it no longer requires MP and has no cooldown.
  • Reduced mage two hander magic jump attacl damage slightly since it no longer requires MP and has no cooldown.
  • Buffed mage summon rays skill damage slightly and increased max level by 1.
  • Buffed cowboy guided missile damage slightly since it now has cooldown.
  • Cowboy grenades skill can now be used when on the ground. Buffed the damage slightly. Has cooldown now.
  • Buffed cowboy "Overheating" skill slightly, since it now has cooldown.

0.6.4 December 6, 2024

  • 3 new melee weapons. (for low levels)
  • Fixed bug where Summon Rays skill could be used without being upgraded.
  • Bug fix for falling through map after fast travelling or being revived. (may need more testing to verify fix)
  • Buffed pet orb boost from 6% to 10%.
  • Made adjustment to anti-botter item to allow for better botting detection.
  • Players who died after being tagged as botting by the "anti-botter" item, will now drop all of their items.
  • Coins worth 250 and greater will appear as dollar bills.
  • White wings item decends SLIGHTLY slower when flying.
  • 1 helmet. (christmas only drop)
  • 1 shirt. (christmas only drop)
  • 1 pants. (christmas only drop)
  • 2 weapons. (Christmas only drop)
  • 1 accessory. (Christmas only purchaseable)
  • Fixed bug where after receiving a pet in trade, you would have to reload the game for it to show up.
  • Added rain, fog, and dragonflies and ambience to the jungle themed areas.

0.6.32 November 22, 2024

  • Increased "shield expert" skill max level to 25.
  • Fixed bug where dino tail would sometimes go invisible when fast travelling or after dying.
  • Fixed bugs with cowboy guided missile skill.
  • Nerfed ice element. Ice now lasts 3.5 seconds instead of 4. Defense reduction to enemies has been reduced by 15%.
  • Buffed fire element. Burn time has been decreased to 4 seconds instead of 6, but burn intervals has been descreased from .6 to .4 seconds. Burn damage increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Buffed poison element. Poison time has been decresed from 10 seconds to 6, but poison intervals has been decreased from .9 to .5. Poison damage has been increased by 15%.
  • Buffed electric element. Electric damage is reduced by 15% per enemy chained to instead of 20%. Electric damage boosted from 35% damage to 40%. Chain distance increased from 5 to 5.5. Electric water damage multiplier increased from 300% to 350%.
  • Payvault ATM items can be bought a total of 4 times now instead of 3.
  • Buffed pet orb bonus from 4% to 6%.

0.6.31 November 21, 2024

  • Pet orb bonus balancing.
  • Bank items are now sorted by price.

0.6.3 November 20, 2024

  • Fixed several small bugs from previous update.
  • Fixed missing item descriptions for phantom wand and staff.
  • Fixed bug in pet orb attack bonus, where the pet's helmet and shoe's defense was getting used instead of the item's attack.
  • Balance changes for pet orb bonuses.

0.6.25 November 15, 2024

  • Fixed bug from previous update where guilded missile skill was causing the camera to zoom too far out.
  • Fixed spelling error in phantom boots description.
  • Fixed small bug where destruction pieces from boulders and dungeon and robo wall weren't being properly removed from the game.
  • Fixed bug where ghost arrow was not going through certain platforms in the blue mushroom areas.
  • Lowered gun sound effect volumes slightly.
  • Slightly lessened the 2d stereo panning effect for sounds.
  • 1 new shoes (not a currently top-tier shoe).
  • The / key on the keyboard can now be used as a shortcut to use a healing item on your active pet.
  • Using the healing shortcut keys when your health or MP is full will no longer waist using the item.
  • Added a few more colors for guild flags.
  • Improved some loading times.
  • Fixed bug with Dwimplepike not evolving to Rexosaur in the pet evolve menu.
  • Fixed bug where a pet's stats could not be downgraded after leveling up until after the player reloaded the game.
  • 1 new general skill.
  • Buffed wizard two handed and dual wield combo skills so that the 2nd and 3rd combos do more damage.
  • Made some very minor adjustment to wizard dual wield combos to make it slightly easier to execute.

0.6.2 November 1, 2024

  • Pet ability point reset payvault item added.
  • Fixed bug with Gibler pet not boosting the player's defense by the correct amount.
  • Fixed bug with pet's health in 2nd evolution not being what it should.
  • Fixed bug with white wings accessory where they would not get returned back to full scale after flying.
  • Fixed from from last update where bouncer type enemies were not jumping.
  • Fixed bug regarding fish not spawning in Elandra island areas.
  • 1 new fish.
  • Max level for the "Avoidance" skill has been increased from 8 to 10.
  • 3 helmets.
  • 3 shirts.
  • 3 pants.
  • 3 boots.
  • 5 weapons.
  • 1 accessory.
  • Max pet slots have been increased from 6 to 8. 1 free, 1 via payvualt.
  • 1 area.
  • 1 glord helmet variant.
  • Slightly reduced the amount of final attack and defense that pet orbs give, to compensate for the increase in pet slots.
  • Fixed bug where pet orb was not being created after a dead pet was revived.
  • 1 pet.

0.6.1 October 17, 2024

  • Several bugs from last update fixed.
  • 1 new helmet.
  • 1 area.
  • 1 new accessory.
  • 1 new shield.
  • 1 enemy.
  • 2 new weapons.
  • 1 new shoes.
  • 1 new pants.
  • 1 new shirt.

0.6.0 October 11, 2024

  • You can now see players' luck (drop chance) in the character menu.
  • Pet 2nd evolutions have now been added. All current pets can be evolved via an NPC in Petropolis.
  • Put a limit on the number of characters in a pet's name.
  • 2 areas.
  • 1 NPC.
  • 2 block bot helmet variants.
  • 1 secret spot added in robo area.

0.5.95 September 27, 2024

  • Fixed bug where arrow charge effect would remain if you went into an Aqualantis pipe during charging an arrow.
  • Pet name textfield is now displayed when player usernames are toggled on.
  • Fixed issue where magic projectiles would contact pets outside of PvP, preventing them from travelling forward.
  • Fixed visual bug where some pets heads would appear clipped off when wearing certains hats/glasses.
  • 2 pets. (1 requires an egg)
  • Lowered the amount of vertical force wizard's air lazer attack gives when using balloon packs, so the player isn't able to reach unintended heights.
  • Made a fix to potentially solve the problem with enemies sometimes falling off of an area and never spawning back.
  • Up to 100% XP can now be shared with pets instead of 70%.
  • Pets will now stand beside you instead of right at your location, so that you can better see them.
  • Fixed small bug where it was possible to use the "upward shoot" cowboy skill while jumping.
  • Fixed small bug where shiny fish info was not correctly displaying when viewed from the pet menu.
  • Made block bots slightly smaller and reduced their HP and attack slightly.
  • 1 helmet variant for block bots.
  • Extending platforms in robo areas now play sound effect when extending.
  • 1 warrior skill.
  • Added a second secret mushroom switch for the secret area platform in area #55.
  • Increased chance of shiny fish spawning by 30%.
  • Fixed bug where pet's final attack and final defense was not showing in the character menu when viewing other player's pets.
  • Fixed small bug where player would have their animation paused for a split second when their pet attacked an enemy.
  • 2 standing stances.
  • 2 walking stances.
  • Lowered Glord's attack power by 10%.
  • Made some slight performance improvements to help reduce lag.

0.5.9 September 13, 2024

  • Fixed bug with bank item storage not working correctly sometimes.
  • Filled in an infinite void spot where area #97 and #99 came together.
  • Increased "Dual Wield Magic Jump Attack" skill's max level from 3 to 5.
  • 1 payvault item.
  • Fixed bug with "anti flinch" skill not being upgradable.
  • Character menu now displays active pets.
  • The payvault friends extension item can now be bought a total of 4 times instead of just 1.
  • Robo teeter platforms have been replaced with new expanding boxes.
  • 4 helmets.
  • 4 shirts.
  • 4 pants.
  • 4 shoes.
  • 7 weapons.
  • Fixed bug where dungeon area #22 did not have the lights dimmed.
  • 1 pet.
  • Added damageable thorn vines to the starter green areas, like there used to be in the original Helmet Heroes.

0.5.8 August 26, 2024

  • Parts of pets' heads are now visually masked off when wearing certain helmets/hats.
  • Enemy health bar setting has been added to the options menu.
  • Fixed visual bug with destructable wall in area #29.
  • Added guild members button to the map menu so you can see where your online guild members are at.
  • Fixed bug where special button 1 was not getting counted towards potential botting players.
  • Fixed bug with Chippy and Ritardo pets not doing damage to enemies.
  • Fixed small display issue with robo background layers 2 & 3.
  • Lowered brick monster and block bot's defense by a little.
  • 1 warrior skill, for dual wielders.
  • Added dungeon entrance object when entering/exiting the dungeon area.
  • 1 new general skill.
  • 2 pets.
  • Sheathed shields have been buffed to give 50% of their defense instead of 35%.
  • Made dungeon and robo areas slightly darker.
  • Arrow charging effect will now only rotate once the arrow is fully charged, to help better denote when fully charged.
  • Dungeon flamethrowers now emit light.
  • When player is hit by electric damage, it can now chain to nearby pets as well.
  • Pets can now receieve and give damage to other players in PvP.
  • Fixed small bug where wizard laser attack was not hitting enemies in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed bug where shiny fix were being displayed as non-shiny fish in the pet equip menu.
  • Players killed that were tagged by an anti-botter item now lose 100% of their carrying money.

0.5.75 August 12, 2024

  • Fixed bug where guild XP increase perks were not being applied to the XP that your pet would receive.
  • Fixed trading bug that would sometimes incorrectly display "cannot hold the pets being offered" preventing the trade from succeeding.
  • Fixed small bug where wizard jump laser attack wouldn't hit small mushroom in area #49 that opens secret door.
  • Fixed 3 small trading related bugs involving offering items.

0.5.7 August 9, 2024

  • Fixed bug where arrows & bullets were stopping when they collided with fish.
  • Fixed bug where Petri pet would not stop attacking.
  • Fixed bug with some enemy projectiles not hitting pets.
  • Glord have been redesigned, buffed slightly, can run, have an extra attack, and are a little more overall aggressive now.
  • 3 pets.
  • Fixed spot in area #97 that couldn't be reached without double jump.
  • Fixed bug with "add" button not hiding itself when max number of friends had been reached.
  • 3 fish.
  • 1 new payvault item. Item to help players combat botting.
  • 2 areas.
  • 1 enemy.

0.5.6 July 19, 2024

  • Fixed bug with cowboy missiles exploding under water.
  • Fixed bug from last update with dungeon trap damage.
  • 1 area.
  • 1 enemy.
  • Additional pet capacity payvault item added.
  • Fixed bug with analytic armor right hand sprite not being displayed.
  • Controller support has been added as well as controller rumble when damaged. (Do not currently have the ability to control the mouse via the controller though.)
  • 2 pets.

0.5.55 July 12, 2024

  • Fixed bug with some enemies still not damaging pets.
  • Fixed bug with pets doing damage at incorrect time to some enemies.
  • Levitating laser attack can now extend a bit further downward.
  • Healing visual effect is now green when using HP healing items, and blue when using MP healing items.
  • Increased maximum money tradeable from 99,999,999 to 999,999,999
  • Fixed fishing net bug not working bug from last patch.
  • Pets can now take burn damage.
  • Swear word filter now applies to newly created pets.
  • Added slight delay when exiting jumping shoot animation to prevent spamming jump shotgun skill.
  • Summon Rays attack can now be used in the air and running.
  • Added tutorial controls sign to area #1. Added more detail to the interior of the train car.
  • Fixed platform that could not be jumped to in Elandra island without having double jump.
  • Increased max pets you can hold from 2 to 3.
  • Tebra will now walk towards items to pick them up.
  • 4 pets added.
  • Elemental damage should be applied to pets now.

0.5.52 July 5, 2024

  • "Buy" buttons will no longer hide themselves after purchasing something.
  • Fixed issue with brick monsters, sasquatch, and goo cubes not damaging pets.
  • Pets can now receieve poison damage from great frogs and plant monsters.
  • Fixed issue where running with high RPM guns would use 0 MP.
  • Fixed bug where "Guild" tab button in friends menu was showing when a player wasn't in a guild.
  • Fixed small bug where a friend could be added to the friend menu after clicking on the guild tab.
  • Got bug fixed with PM icons covering up pet UI bars.
  • Dungeon physical damage traps now damage pets.
  • Fixed bug where arrows and bullets would stop after touching a pet.
  • Fixed bug where Leaflet enemies were unable to properly targets pets.
  • Fixed bug where pet XP split text would display as "00%" if a pet's XP split was set to 70%.
  • Fixed issue where pet is able to pick up items that shouldn't be pick-up-able yet.
  • Pets now longer attack after shortly after the player stops attacking.
  • Fixed bug where pets and players were not getting XP if a pet was the primary damager for a killed enemy.
  • Pets and the Leafling enemy now emit small ground puff animation when they land.
  • A jump sound effect now plays when pets jump.
  • Small improvement to coin magnet accessory's ability to pickup coins.
  • Healing effect display when you heal using items is now green instead of blue.
  • Decreased Marshy's attack rate, but increased the amount it heals you by. Also created small healing effect when Marshy heals you.

0.5.51 July 1, 2024

  • Fixed bug where pet orb bonuses were getting added when a pet was active instead of inactive.
  • Fixed bug with not properly healing from Marshy pets.
  • Fixed bug with pet XP slider in pet menu displaying weird values.
  • Fixed bug from last update where accepting a guild member will cause problems with the leader's guild they are labeled as being registered in.
  • Fixed bug where pets were only getting XP if you were in a guild and were sharing XP.
  • A pet's preferred equip type is now displayed in the pet purchase menu.
  • Fixed bug where withdrawing a pet would not show it withdraw on other players' screens.
  • Fixed bug where pet ui health cluster would not go away after withdrawing an active pet.

0.5.5 June 28, 2024

  • Fixed bug related to guild spendable contribution points not increasing.
  • Increased shotgun attack MP usage by 1 mp.
  • Changed MP cost of grenade skill to a flat rate of 5 MP.
  • Increased Guided Missile damage increase per level from 40% to 60%.
  • Jump grenade now drops two grenades when dual wielding.
  • Increased "overheating" skill rate of fire from 4% per level to 5%.
  • You can now use warrior power attack skill while running, without the need to stop running first.
  • Fixed guild menu description textfield so it scrolls for long descriptions.
  • Summon Rays wizard skill should now work in PvP.
  • Changed Summon Rays skill so that it uses more or less MP based on how many enemies it hit.
  • Fixed bug where the guild menu was showing expired perks for guilds.
  • Made change to prevent guilds with the same name but different capitalization from being created.
  • Warrior's second attack in the dual wielding air attack no longer applies upward velocity, and instead applies a little bit of downward velocity.
  • Fixed bug from last update where ears would be visible in the character menu when they the player had a helmet equipped that shouldn't show them.
  • Fixed bug that would occur if you fast travelled while in an Aqualantis pipe.
  • Fixed bug where the "Summon Rays" skill was damaging enemies and giving XP, etc incorrectly.
  • Fixed bug where XP sharing would not work correctly when first joining a guild.
  • Added prevention for dragging menus off screen.
  • Slightly increased time the client will be notified of nearby enemies/players/items, to prevent them "popping in" during loading when they get nearby.
  • Fixed bug where eneies would remain in a squished appearance if you attacked one then tabbed out mid-squish animation.
  • Fixed small bug in waterfall area in area #1 where fishing bobber would not stop lowering.
  • Fixed bug in friends/guild menu where clicking on certain member would not properly set their cosmetic body type.
  • 2 enemies.
  • 2 NPCs.
  • 5 areas.
  • Pet system added! 2 pets added.

0.5.16 May 7, 2024

  • 1 skill.
  • Fixed bug where volume would go down the further the game camera zoomed out.

0.5.1 May 3, 2024

  • 8 hairstyles.
  • 7 eye styles.
  • 3 mouth styles.
  • 1 skill.
  • 2 new payvault only skins, zombie and skeleton.
  • Fixed bug from previous update where some warrior two handed air attacks would freeze the player if holding either direction after the attack completed.
  • Warrior two handed jump attack now holds the attacking frame for a little longer while falling.
  • Fixed bug where if a player died from poison, fire, etc while fast travelling they would be invincible after respawning.
  • Fixed bug where you could not transition from the shotgun attack to upward shooting.
  • Changed the stats slightly on some lower RPM guns.
  • Fixed minor rounding issues in sheathed weapon final power bonuses.
  • Fixed bug where the "Overheating" skill was always getting applied to the secondary gun regardless of the special button being pressed.
  • Fixed bug where explosion damage for grenade and guided missile was not correctly scaling the splash damage as the level of the skill increased.
  • Light emitted from guided missile explosion now slowly fades out instead of instantly disappearing.
  • Changed shotgun blast skill MP usage.
  • Fixed small visual bug in character menu where the player's hand a feet may display at view scales.
  • Player who did the most damage to an enemy now gets first dibs to the loot instead of the player that landed the killing blow.
  • Fixed spots in ground in dungeon areas wherer the player or enemies could fall through that weren't intended.
  • Fixed typo on the names of 2 of the haunted themed areas.
  • All air attack animation should can now be executed from the falling animation instead of being limited to the jumping animation.
  • Ice weakening effects now only benefit the player that froze the enemy.
  • Added a platform to area 70 that was preventing player from reaching the rest of the area.
  • Increased max level of "Critical Chance" skill from 6 to 10.
  • Dexterity now increases movement speed.
  • Guild flag payvault item no longer gives contribution points direcetly. Instead you get an additional 15% contribution points when killing enemies while displaying the flag.
  • Ice effect is still created if enemy is killed with the same attack.
  • 1 area.
  • Guild perks have been added!
  • Increased cooldown time on using items from 1.2 seconds to 3.
  • 5 walking styles added to the Payvault.

0.5.05 April 17, 2024

  • Fixed bug where some of the newly added hair colors were causing players to appear bald.
  • Fixed bug where players sometimes wouldn't receive XP from an enemy under very rare circumstances (most noticeable with the goo boss).
  • Fixed bug where player could shoot faster than their equipped gun's RPM by pressing the attack/special button in quick succession.
  • Fixed bug from last update where air shooting a gun was not firing a bullet on the first shot.
  • Gun RPM rate is now factored into sheathing guns.
  • Fixed several small cowboy related bugs.
  • Fixed a couple of bodies of water appearing pink in Aqualantis areas.
  • Fixed bug where multiple character menus for the same player could be opened if one for another player was already open.
  • Fixed bug where element effects on weapons would sometimes not render behind the player when it should.
  • Fixed platform with missin collision in area #23.

0.5.0 April 12, 2024

  • Fixed rare bug in friend menu related to clicking one friend after another, not updating the newly clicked player's head cosmetics.
  • Fixed bug where there was a slight delay in shooting bullets when using the shotgun blast skill.
  • Fixed bug where trying to use the shooting upward and shotgun blast or overheating skil at the same time didn't work correctly. Also fixed shotgun blast spread of bullets when shooting upward.
  • You will now continue shooting your gun after landing while shooting in the air if the attack button is still held upon landing.
  • Fixed bug with Aqualantis pipe where the pipe bulge effect would remain on screen if the object inside the pipe was removed while in the pipe.
  • Fixed bug where platforms were missing so you could not travel from area #126 back to #64.
  • Fixed decimal point in XP text.
  • Username text in the character menu will now display in front of the player, preventing some accessories or helmets from covering it up.
  • Fixed bug where ice effects would not go away on certain weapons when they were unequipped.
  • Fixed bug where player could infintely do a vertical wall jump if timed key presses just right.
  • Changed how the pipes in Aqualantis work, so they no longer alternate. You can now do in them whenever, and travel either direction any time.
  • 4 colors added for guild flag editing.
  • Increased time interval in which Fishurn attack.
  • Fixed bug where others players may appear to teleporting out of Aqualantis pipes while travelling through them.
  • Fixed bug where player could fly through the air if they used the cowboy jump shooting skill with the right combination of guns and skills.
  • Fixed bug where clicking shiny fish in the trade menu would only display their info as a normal fish.
  • Increased required level formula for shoes.
  • Slightly increased size of map area names text.
  • Building, NPC, and ATM added to Aqualantis.
  • 4 helmets.
  • 4 shirt armor.
  • 4 leg armor.
  • 3 boots.
  • 7 weapons.
  • Fixed bug where guild flags on display on the guild house had their flags facing the wrong direction.
  • Fixed bug from last update where the secret spot in area #66 could no longer be reached because of area #126.
  • Fish should now spawn in all areas added from the previous update.
  • Fixed small bug where the map menu wasn't scrolling all the way to the right to accommodate the newly added areas from the previous update.
  • Reduced time it takes to transition from attacking animations to walking animation.
  • Fixed bug from last update where running with no weapon would result in no MP being deducted.
  • Fixed bug where running MP would not be deducted if you jumped while running.
  • Removed the slow down effect when doing critical hits.
  • Increased guided missile explosion radius by 22% and increase the speed of it's movement by about 25%. Slightly reduced time after the missile explodes to where the player regains movement control: reduced from .7 seconds to .45.
  • Implemented a possible fix for the giant goo cube boss randomly dissapearing. Will need further testing to see if the fix worked.
  • 1 accessory.
  • 5 payvault only hair colors (blue, green, purple, pink, and red) can be set when changing cosmetics.

0.4.9 March 29, 2024

  • Fixed bug where ice effect on enemies would break apart when certain enemies were killed and broke into pieces.
  • Fixed bug where Multi Arrow and Targetting Arrow's MP usage were swapped.
  • Fixed bug where the normal arrow would still appear as a ghost arrow when using guard arrow, but the max number of guard arrows had been reached.
  • Train from blue mushroom area to Aqualantis added.
  • 4 areas.
  • Lowered volume of music by 33%.
  • Fixed bug where shooting guns would sometimes stop after firing one bullet.
  • Improved response of shooting guns, so there is no longer an awkward delay before shooting bullets begin.
  • Fixed "connecting to server" infinite hanging bug that could happen on rare occassions, from version 0.4.81.
  • Fixed a bug related to the poison water in the goo boss area damaging the player with poison even though it had not risen.
  • Accessories no longer display when shuffling through the item slot machine items.
  • Increased the chance of shiny fish spawning from a 1 in 550 chance to a 1 in 230 chance.
  • Overheating skill now uses a flat 5 MP per second instead of being tied to the skill's level.
  • Removed the 40% RPM reduction for the shotgun blast skill.
  • The amount of MP a skill uses for cowboys is now relative to the RPM rate of the gun(s) being used.
  • Increased the size of grenade explosions by 19%.
  • Reduced the time in between being able to drop grenades by 25%.
  • You can now throw grenades horizontally by holding either direction while dropping the grenade.
  • The various buttons in the map menu used to display the locations can now be clicked multiple times without having to close and re-open the map menu.
  • Percentage of XP is now shown in the XP bar. Commas are also now displayed on HP, MP, and XP bars.
  • Fish enchantment points will now be displayed when trading and selling fish.
  • Reduced boyancy of water, so objects tend to sink faster in it.
  • 1 enemy with 3 helmet variants.

0.4.85 March 15, 2024

  • Fixed bug where ice element weakening enemies was lowering the amount of XP and coins they were worth.
  • Balanced the "guard arrow" skill.
  • Fixed bug where "avoidance" skill was not working when taking PvP attacks.
  • Fixed bug where the player's back arm would face the wrong direction in certain stances after teleporting or dying.
  • Coins offered in the trade menu will now display with commas.
  • Added check in place to prevent fast travelling while dead when clicking the "YES" confirm button to fast travel.
  • Added ice block visual and sound effect when an enemy becomes frozen.
  • Added fire sound effect when an enemy is ignited.
  • Fixed bug where private messages window would sometimes go slightly off screen.
  • Fixed a bug where other players' ghosts would remain on screen after they revived.
  • Ice element defense weakening is now applied before damaging, that way the impact from an ice weapon benefits from the weakened enemy defense.
  • Poison damage text now animates differently.
  • Fixed bug where ice effect was not showing in the arrow that the player wields in their back hand.
  • Added slight ice vapor smoke effect for ice weapons.
  • Reduced intervals that poisoned object experience damage from 1 second to .9 seconds.
  • Ice damage text now appears light blue and animates differently.
  • Added the options to disable trade requests and non-friend PMs to the options menu.

0.4.82 March 12, 2024

  • Fixed bug where other players skill, HP, and such were not being correctly displayed.

0.4.81 March 11, 2024

  • Added payvault ice element reset button.
  • Fixed bug where strong armor and strong legs were not showing up in the mushroom village shop as was intended.
  • Fixed bug where ice element was incorrectly showing for other players.
  • Bug should be fixed where other players' projectiles were not showing up.

0.4.8 March 8, 2024

  • Fixed guild kick bug where a kicked guild member would not be properly fully removed.
  • Fixed bug where the add/remove buttons were being displaying in the friends menu when the guild tab was selected.
  • Guard Arrow skill now costs 1 mp.
  • Fixed bug where archer could use unlimited guard arrows.
  • Guard arrows now only deal 50% damage.
  • Guard arrows will remove themself after 30 seconds now instead of 90.
  • Ice element added.

0.4.75 March 6, 2024

  • Multi Arrow, ghost arrow, and targetting arrows can no longer be used at the same time.
  • Multi Arrow skill max level has been increased to 5 to 6.
  • Targetting Arrow skill max level has been increased from 10 to 12. Damage per level increased from .15 to .20.
  • Ghost arrow now does 0% less damage than a standard arrow instead of the previous 30%. It also won't self destroy itself until after 4 seconds instead of 2.
  • Lessened MP usage of the Power Attack skill.
  • Fixed small bug where electric on arrows weren't showing up until about .5 seconds too late.
  • Skill image for "Overheating" is now displayed.
  • Fixed bug where ghost arrows were not going through the small platforms in the dungeon areas.
  • 1 new archer skill.
  • Fixed bug where damaging explosions such as the grenade and cowboy missile were not correctly calculating damage based on distance.

0.4.72 March 5, 2024

  • Changed the uppcase I and lowercase l font letters for one of the fonts so can tell the difference easier between the two characters.
  • Fixed bug where power attack buffs from yesterday update were't working.

0.4.71 March 4, 2024

  • Buffed "power attack" skill.
  • Added "Danger!" signs to first goo dungeon area.
  • Fixed bug where fishing bait would still be in focus by the camera after being bitten by a fish.
  • Fixed bug where giant goo cube would still be focused on by the camera even after moving away from it.

0.4.7 March 1, 2024

  • Made it so you can't jump into the Goo boss area without going through the gate.
  • Poison water will now also fill the top of the goo cube boss area once the boss has been killed.
  • Buffed giant goo cube's defense from 24 to 30.
  • Buffed giant goo cube's attack power from 650 to 800.
  • Goo cube will now heal health in .4 second intervals instead of .6 when it is under the poison waterfalls.
  • Enemy spawn points in the giant goo dungeon will no longer spawn unless the giant goo is present.
  • Increased Giant Goo Cube's worth.
  • Giant Goo Cube now moves around towards players better.
  • Added more higher level drops to the giant goo cube boss.
  • Giant goo cube will not emit poison bubbles from its body after 8 minutes, detering players from farming in the area.
  • Buffed warrior two handed jump attack slightly. It can also now be upgraded to level 3, but requires 2 mp to use.
  • 1 new warrior skill.
  • 1 new cowboy skill.
  • Guild menu can now be sorted by contribution points.
  • You can now view which guild members are leeching XP via the guild settings menu.
  • Enemy tracking command added to the debug menu.
  • Profanity filter added.
  • 1 enemy, with 3 helmet variants.
  • 4 areas.

0.4.65 February 26, 2024

  • Several bugs introduced in 0.4.6 have been refixed.
  • XP is now split upon killing an enemy that was attacked by multiple players., I must
  • Buffed Goo Cube boss.

0.4.6 February 23, 2024

  • 1 goo cube helmet variation.
  • Fixed bug where damage multiplier and enchanted sheated weapon damage multiplier was not getting factored into element damage for electric and poison attacks.
  • Fixed bug where sheathed items were not getting sorted in the item menu.
  • Fixed bug where landing on a bounce pad while doing the two handed dash attack would result in getting stuck in the dash attack animation.
  • Fixed bug where secondary gun would keep firing if you died while shooting dual guns.
  • Coin magnet accessory will no longer magnet coins which other players have first dibs over.
  • Lowered "class reset" payvault item to 50 tickets.
  • Nerfed electric damage chain distance from 8 to 5.
  • 2 new areas.
  • 1 boss.

0.4.55 February 5, 2024

  • Fixed invisible platform in PvP area.
  • Fixed bug with red texture being shown when the guided missile explodes.
  • Fixed bug where guided missiles would detonate when intersecting certain parts of platforms that it wasn't intended to.
  • Fixed bug where two handed weapons would not deal damage correctly in PvP when going from a one handed weapon then to a two handed weapon during the same play session.
  • Fixed bug where electric damage was chaining to other nearby players who weren't in PvP.
  • Changed PvP entrance so there are two bounce pads used to enter now.
  • Reduced knockback from previous update for guns.
  • Fixed small bug where guild menu would display the text "Alphabetically" at the top.
  • Changed button used for jump grenade to a different button so that the shotgun attack can be used while jumping.
  • "Shield guard" skill will not longer protect other players in PvP.
  • Fixed bug where "shield guard" skill's visual effect would not go away directly after dying.
  • Fixed small issue where the front hand's bullet during the "guns out" skill was not correctly hitting short enemies.
  • Fixed bug from last Friday's patch that was preventing certain types of fish from spawning.
  • Fixed glitchy camera that was occuring after dying and reviving, which was also causing bugs with dropping through the ground after reviving.

0.4.5 February 2, 2024

  • Fixed bug where some accessory special features would be disabled after dying or fast traveling.
  • Your owned items are now sorted by equipped, then by item cost.
  • Guild flags have been added! (to display yours, must be purchased in the payvault).
  • Fixed two small fishing bugs which were making fish unable to be caught using a pole.
  • Accessories can no longer be won from the items lot machine.
  • Added various ways to sort the guilds in the guild menu, and guild members in the members menu.
  • Economy data now shows number of new accounts created each day.
  • Fixed bug where another player's MP would not get correctly updated if they upgraded their total MP during that play session.
  • Your character will now be instantly moved to new area when fast travelling, along with a loading screen overlayed.
  • Fixed visual bug with crusader helmet being misplaced on character's head.
  • Removed some lower worth items from some enemy drops.
  • Ghost arrow's now do approximately 30% less damage.
  • Ghost arrow's now remove themself after 2 seconds instead of 3.5.
  • "Charged piercer" skill now uses 1 mp.
  • 3 new cowboy skills.
  • 4 hairstyles.
  • You will now be disconnect when inactive for 8 minutes in non-PvP areas, and 3 minutes in PvP areas.

0.4.4 January 12, 2024

  • Fixed friends menu bug that would occur on rare occassions when certain friends were online.
  • Fixed bug where if you clicked an online friend in the friend menu, multiple times in quick succession, their online area would be displayed multiple times.
  • Fixed bug where new account should cosmetically be shown with a red cape.
  • Fixed bug that would sometimes cause one of the player's shoes to not display when an accessory was equipped.
  • Fixed minor bug where pressing the arrows controls while having a slider in the UI selected would control the slider as well as your player.
  • Changed the physics of the balloon accessories slightly so your player feels more floaty when they are equipped.
  • 3 accessories.
  • Fixed bug where dex was giving too much of a boost to fishing response time.
  • Payvault button is no longer shown until level 10.
  • Disabled fast travelling while dead.
  • Made it so you can't go behind the igloo in Snowy Flatts, to prevent players/enemies from being displayed in front of the igloo when you are inside.
  • Fixed small bug with the reef bow arrow being held in the wrong spot by the player's hand.
  • Trees, grass, and bushes in the jungle areas, pine areas, and snowwy areas will no longer animate when on low quality setting.
  • Changed how poison damage works a bit.
  • Poison element added for weapons!

0.4.35 January 8, 2024

  • Fixed coin box in area #22.
  • Fixed fishing line camera focus bug from previous update.
  • Fixed small bug where if you were kicked from a guild, your game would not reflect it until you reloaded the game.
  • Fixed bug from last update that was causing enemy electric damage to the player to not work.
  • Fixed bug where arrows and bullets would stop immediately when they hit a fish.
  • Fixed bug where guild members were not being displayed as online in the friend's menu unless they were your friend.
  • Fixed bug where ghost arrows would not go through floating platforms in the pine forest areas.
  • First accessory has been added! (Can be bought at Heath's shop.)

0.4.3 January 5, 2024

  • When recovering a forgotten password, your redacted email address will not be displayed, to help users who may have forgotten which email they used for their account.
  • Added bucket helmet, which will only be dropped from special events.
  • Fixed bug where coin boxes would still be displayed when they shouldn't be.
  • Replaced "HP, "MP", and "XP" text in the main UI with icons.
  • Fixed bug where enchanted fishing nets would not catch fish.
  • 1 warrior skill.
  • Fixed bug where only half of the actual player, enemies, friends, and shiny fish markers were being displayed in the map menu when clicked.
  • Adjusted map so it can better fit the last 2 snow areas.
  • Secret spot added to snow area.
  • 3 helmet variant for sasquatch.
  • 1 helmet variant for goo cubes.
  • Fixed bug where firefly effect would remain on screen if the player was removed before the effect was loaded.
  • Fixed bug where damage numbers greater than 65,535 would roll over starting from 0 again.
  • Increased spawn rate of sasquatch and goo cubes.
  • Item slot machine has been added to Snowy Flatts.
  • Reduced electric chaining distance by 11%.
  • Changed plant monsters head so it is more reminiscent of HHO's design.
  • Fixed bug with fishing pole where fishing line would go sideways if you pressed space twice in quick succession.
  • Guild XP setting added to only share with nearby members.
  • Guild tab is now displayed in the friends menu, so you can easily view and private message guild members.
  • When fishing, the camera will now also focus on the fishing bait.
  • Fish can now be sold for a little bit of money.
  • Fixed relic armor right hand being displayed out of place.
  • 7 weapons.
  • 4 helmets.
  • 4 shirts.
  • 4 legs.
  • 3 shoes.
  • 1 shield.
  • 1 area.

0.4.25 December 18, 2023

  • Fixed bug where grenade explosion could deal huge incorrect damage when hitting enemies near the edges of its explosion radius.
  • Fixed zoom bug from last update.
  • Fixed a server bug that resulted in recent crashes.
  • Fixed issue where electric damage would not chain from an enemy if you killed the enemy that hit.
  • Trade button in the item menu will no longer hide itself until all items have been offered. This allows you to trade multiple of an item type faster.
  • Online friends now have their location displayed in the friends menu when selected.
  • Made it slightly easier to get out of the water on the jumping platform in the sasquatch area.

0.4.2 December 15, 2023

  • Santa claus drop added for December.
  • Changed various enemy XP values slightly.
  • Fixed bug with shields sometimes not getting displayed correctly in front of the player's hand.
  • Fixed bug with guild contribution points for XP not working.
  • 1 enemy.
  • 1 area.
  • Electric element has been added.
  • Element reset item added to the payvault.
  • +15 item capacity payvault item can now be purchased multiple times.

0.4.1 December 1, 2023

  • "Dual wield dash attack" skill can now be upgraded 4 times instead of 2.
  • 1 helmet.
  • 1 shirt.
  • 1 pants.
  • 1 shoes.
  • Fixed bug with sheathed elemental weapons not showing up. Additional, sheathed elemental weapons will show their effects and give bonuses to elemental attacks. Single handed sheathed weapons will give a 12.5 boost, and two handers will give a 25% boost.
  • 1 NPC.
  • Fixed bug where fish would sometimes exist but be invisible.
  • 1 payvault item.
  • Guild XP sharing (and contribution) added. (Can be set via the options menu.)

0.4.0 November 22, 2023 (Updated 11/27/2023)

  • Fixed various bugs from 11/22 update.
  • Poison damage now stacks instead of doing the highest value.
  • Fixed bug where fishing line could get stuck out if the player released the key directly before the line was created.
  • Fish will now spawn in nearly all areas with water.
  • Fixed bug with fish sometimes going out of water. (may need further testing to verify fix.)
  • Fixed bug where enemies could damage the player by dashing into their fishing line.
  • Fish will no longer be used when pressing the HP item usage shortcut button.
  • Players now emits water bubbles when under water.
  • Fishing pole item now displays yellow text mentioning that it is to be used for fishing, not attacking.
  • 1 NPC.
  • Added item enchanting! You can now enchant weapons to be used with your character's element. (Only fire has been implemented so far.)
  • Map menu added!
  • 2 payvault items.

0.3.9 November 10, 2023

  • Fixed bug where background trees would get out of proper rotation after moving between areas for an extended period of time.
  • Some anti-cheating stuff. (kept vague on purpose.)
  • Fixed bug with Sasquatch floating in the water.
  • Green bouncer's now attack less often, so that new players have an easier time staying alive.
  • Fixed bug from last update that was causing pressing N for bows to shoot arrows.
  • Added sound effect when you buy an item.
  • Fixed grenade bug where the explosion would still damage enemies while off screen.
  • Fixed issue with guild names/description with characters not in the ASCII table not showing up.
  • Duration of critical hit slowdown time has been reduced from .4 seconds to .3.
  • Added smoke visuals to torches.
  • Attempted to fix bug where enemies would become undamangeable after changing tabs in browser and returning some time later. (needs testing to verify.)
  • Player data is now saved every 5 minutes to help reduce data loss in the event of a server crash.
  • Fixed bug where great frog area #80 was inaccessible.
  • 1 new great frog helmet variant.
  • Renamed "enchanted" set "alchemy" set.
  • Added fish and fishing! (not all areas spawn fish yet, due out next week.)

0.3.8 October 27, 2023 (Updated 11-9-2023)

  • Upgraded the server to a more powerful one, to better support the increasing game population as well as try and preventing crashes.
  • Fixed issue with sound effects not turning off in the options menu.
  • Fixed bug where you would be unable to move after closing the debug menu unless you clicked something.
  • Fixed wrong description with cowboy aluminum armor.
  • Modified standard walk animation slightly to improve the look of the arm movement.
  • Fixed bug where MP would be deducted if you initiated a run but were in the crouched or sliding animation.
  • Fixed bug where logged out while dead would deduct money again after logging back in.
  • Fixed bug where you could cause the platform elevators int he snow area to rise if you pressed the jump button while in a non-jumping animation.
  • 2 areas.
  • 1 enemy.
  • Fixed bug where ghost arrow would not properly show up for players who already had it enabled upon logging in.
  • Fixed loophole that would allow a player to scam another in trade by changing item at the last minute either by an exploit or hacking.
  • There is now a 1.2 second cooldown between using healing items.
  • All arrows/bullets are not auto-removed after 3.5 seconds instead of 6 seconds.
  • Increased base MP usage of "targetting arrow" skill from 1 to 2.
  • Fixed small bug where a targetting ghost arrow would not properly rotate after travelling through a body of water.
  • Lessoned the effectiveness of the homing arrow skill, so it isn't able to follow enemies quite as easily.
  • Fixed bug where current MP would not show up correctly after logging in.
  • 1 cowboy skill.
  • Backgrounds are now removed when playing on low quality setting.

0.3.7 October 20, 2023

  • Added fail-safe that will attempt to save players data in the event of a server crash. (May not always work, needs testing.)
  • 4 helmets.
  • 4 armor.
  • 4 pants.
  • 4 shoes.
  • 7 weapons.
  • 1 area.
  • 1 archer skill.
  • Fixed bug where warrior dual wield combo #3,4, and 5 were not doing slightly increased damage.
  • Reduced ending frames of warrior dual wield combo #4 and #5 by a couple frames.
  • Decreased number of frames in warrior dual wield jump combo #2 by a few frames preceeding the swing, so it the attack is released quicker.
  • XP text is now yellow, to match the color of the XP bar.

0.3.65 October 13, 2023

  • Aipsters can now drop coconut leaves helmets, sorcerer hats, and bronze helmets.
  • Your player will now only play the hit stun animation if the damage they take if 5% or higher of their total health.
  • Player hit stun animation has been reduced by roughly 15% in time, meaning you are hit stunned for a fraction of a second less.
  • Reduced grenade explosion time down from 2.5 seconds to 1.5.
  • Fixed bug from last update where friend's menu wasn't showing HP and MP.
  • 1 halloween drop.
  • Added a debug menu with tooling for helping track cheating players.
  • Returned archer fully charged arrow show damage back to 140% instead of 160%.

0.3.6 October 9, 2023

  • Fixed bug where mage jump laser would still exist on player's weapon if they died while using the skill.
  • Fixed bug where skills would not load if you logged in while dead.
  • Moved great frog respawn point to inside Pablo's.
  • Fixed bug with grenade damage not working.
  • Fixed small typo in princess slippers item description.
  • Fixed visual bug where the arrow in the player's hand would still be visible after switching from a bow if multi-arrow was active.
  • Fixed bug where levitating smoke effect would show for stances that it shouldn't.
  • Fixed bug where a player's hair would appear red in the character menu if you clicked on them while they were taking damage.
  • Fixed issue where payvault tickets were not updating after buying a new stance.
  • Fixed bug that would lock player in the running animation if they tried to slide directly after running.
  • Fixed bug where animation hit stop effect was not working correctly after a player died and then began attacking enemies.
  • Green bouncer's XP is now 2 instead of 1, to help beginners level up faster.
  • 1 skill.
  • 1 payvault item.
  • Damage formula change. This includes some modification to enemy stats, as well as player's getting 5hp per health point instead of 3.

0.3.5 September 29, 2023

  • Fixed bug where you could accelerate the players to a high velocity by shooting upward while on sloped ground.
  • Fixed bug with guild description not being able to be greater than 255 characters in length.
  • Fixed bug with leaving a guild not properly marking your player as out of a guild.
  • Fixed bug with sheathed items not showing up if no shirt was equipped.
  • You can now transition back into a run from sliding.
  • Fixed bug from last update that was causing poison damage not to work.
  • Fixed bug where items would fall through houses.
  • Fixed bug with IP bans not fully working.
  • 1 new cowboy skill.
  • 1 new general skill.
  • 1 wizard skill.
  • Fixed bug where you could revive while dead if you closed the page and refreshed while the "HP Regen" skill healed.
  • Added a little bit of knockback to great frog's attack.
  • Added push down log platforms in a section of the pine forest.
  • Great frogs now emit a poison puff when them jump onto the ground.
  • "Drop all" item button has been added.
  • "Buy x10" item button added.
  • Payvault menu no longer closes after setting a stance.
  • Area and background textures are now compressed to reduce load times and bandwidth costs.
  • Improved rendering performance slightly for various assets.
  • Chat area can now be toggled on/off by small arrow near the bottom of it.
  • Flipped the right hand of armor in the item menu so it is facing the correct direction.
  • You can now transition directly from a jump into a slide, without first playing the landed animation.
  • Decreased archer jump arrow animation time by 2 frames before shooting arrow, so that it feels slightly quicker and more responsive.
  • Reduced MP cost of "multi arrow", "targeting arrow", and "ghost arrow".
  • Buffed charged arrow damage from 140% to 160%.
  • Payvault "more items" ticket cost changed from 60 to 70.

0.3.4 September 20, 2023

  • Fixed small visual bug with neon magic shoes appearing out of place.
  • Filled infinite void in area #68.
  • Fixed bug where an item would disappear if you had over 255 of an item, and used/sold/dropped one of them.
  • Slightly changed two handed melee attack combos #3 and #4 so that attack #4 hits enemies easier.
  • Fixed bug with members of a guild not getting fully removed correctly when a guild was disbanded.
  • Fixed bug from a recent update where clicking the "back" button in the character creation screen would not reshow the main menu.
  • 3 new skills: warrior dash skills for two handers, dual wielding, and shields.
  • 1 helmet.
  • 1 shirt.
  • 1 pants.
  • 1 shoe.
  • Increased max level for HP and MP regen from 20 to 25.
  • Fixed small bug where "shield expert" skill was not getting factored into sheathed shields defense bonus.
  • Fixed exploit where a non-owned item could still be equipped.

0.3.3 September 8, 2023

  • Fixed bug: Guild expansion payvault item no longer displays as "maxed" if you aren't in a guild.
  • Fixed bug when someone was accepted into a guild it would change your own player's guild.
  • Fixed bug where great frog coins were sometimes falling through the floor. (May need additional testing to verify fixed.)
  • Fixed bottomless pit between areas #67 and #70.
  • Fixed wrong title and description for the payvault cosmetic reset.
  • 1 wizard skill.
  • 2 helmets.
  • 1 shirt.
  • 1 pants.
  • Warrior "Two Hander Jump Attack" skill can now be upgraded one more level.
  • Fixed bug where if you signed in while dead, you would often be revived back at area #1.
  • Fixed bug where guild creation would not work if a level requirement or description was not put in.
  • 1 running stance.
  • Edit button added to the guild menu so guild leaders can edit their guild level requirement and description.
  • Fixed bug where changing email addresses, would cause new email address to no longer get verification code when requesting a password change.

0.3.2 September 1, 2023

  • Fixed bug with crab helmet variants now displaying their helmet.
  • Fixed bug with halo not correctly following the player's head.
  • Fixed NPCs added in last week's update dialogue not working.
  • Fixed pink crystal armor displaying the wrong description.
  • Fixed small exploit where if clicked at the right time, a player could drop or sell an equipped item.
  • Guilds added! (more features to come.)
  • 1 helmet.
  • 1 weapon.
  • 1 payvault item.

0.3.1 August 25, 2023

  • Fixed bug where coin boxes would rise upward if attacked fast.
  • Added HP and MP item shortcuts. The < key can be used to use HP items and the > key can be pressed to use MP items.
  • Filled in bottomless gap between swamp areas #68 and #73.
  • 1 new payvault standing stance.
  • Slightly raised Y position of coins drops to prevent the chance of them dropping under the ground.
  • Added Pablo's house.
  • Fixed small bug where player's mouth would get stuck open if they died while talking.
  • 2 healing items.
  • 2 NPCs.
  • You can now offer 8 digits worth of money into the trade menu instead of just 6.

0.3.05 August 9, 2023

  • Added password recovery to the main menu.
  • Fixed no description for egyptian helmet.
  • Fixed a mushroom tree that was appearing in background instead of foreground.
  • Fixed other bug exploit being used for invisible/invincible players.
  • Fixed odd username bug that could happen if a trade failed under certain conditions.
  • Fixed missing enemy spawn points in swamp areas as well as missing spawn points that stopped working in a previous update in haunted woods area.

0.3.0 August 2, 2023

  • Private messaging system for friends has been added!
  • Fixed bug with an aipster helmet variation.
  • Increased knockback for your player when shooting a gun.
  • Fixed small bug where the final hit to an damageable environment object was not showing the damage text.
  • Added a few more bodies of water in beach area #60.
  • Coins now animate.
  • 1 new area (secret in beach).
  • Coin boxes added (will be placed in secret spots).
  • Added a fail-safe for when a newly registered account did not fully save. This will prevent the account from being bugged upon further logins.
  • Fixed bug where game controls would not work if the ATM menu was closed while the textfield was selected.
  • Fixed bug where incorrect player data would get loaded if first login failed, then second succeeded, resulting in invisible player bug and infinite MP/HP.
  • Poison damage added for an enemy.
  • 2 enemies.
  • 1 NPC.
  • 15 weapons.
  • 3 shields.
  • 11 helmets.
  • 8 shirts.
  • 8 legs.
  • 5 shoes.
  • 9 areas.